
Monday 8 March 2021

The Fisheries Management and Innovation Group

The Fisheries Management and Innovation Group brings people together to discuss and share knowledge on catching sector issues.

This group was formerly the Discard Action Group and was originally set up as a forum for the discussion of industry-wide problems relating to discards. 

The FMIG provides a safe meeting space to discuss the key challenges facing the catching sector. The three key areas for discussion are: legislation and regulation, stock assessment issues and how to introduce new technology.

People take part to keep-up-to-date with the latest developments, to be part of a cross-industry discussion and listen to the issues raised by other parts of the industry. They can also raise their own issues, present new ideas, network with other people or make new contacts.

The group is led by our industry and we take responsibility for running the FMIG. The Group has met twice a year since 2009. The FMIG brings together people who represent the catching sector, as well as the retail, food service and restaurant industries. Other people who attend are not-for-profit environmental voluntary groups, consumer groups, government, scientists and industry bodies.

FMIG meetings and bite-size meetings

There are generally two meetings a year. The presentations and minutes from the most recent meetings are below. Presentations and minutes from previous meetings are available from Karen Green.

Due to COVID-19 we are running shorter online bite-size FMIG meetings in 2020 and 2021. 

Next meeting

Tuesday 13 April 2021. 2pm to 3.30pm. Topic and speakers to be confirmed. For further information contact Karen Green