
Thursday 18 March 2021

Busy evening as Dutch fly-shooter makes first landing in Newlyn.

Fish lorry, fuel and boat wait to connect...

the on-board CCTV comes in handy for the wheelhouse operated landing gear on the Julie of Ladram...

face of a skipper...

watches as the Wiffer heads back to tier...

landing seven boxes at a time...

then it's time for the lorry to head off to Brixham where her fish will be sold...

time to get the gear sorted...

including the all-important task of greasing the running gear...

around 7pm and the fly-shooter Annalijdia enters Newlyn, the first since the Dew-Genen-Ny stopped fishing back in the early 90s...

she fishes on a large scale, two huge 80mm cod-end trawl net drums...

and winches with 60mm combination 'ropes'...

and a huge trawl work deck...

she lands 16 boxes at a time...

so it doesn't take long for her 200+ boxes to come ashore...

to be sorted on the market..

star f the landing are these red mullet...

and quality haddock...

the skipper pitches in to sort and grade...

on the market in the morning the full extent of the catch is apparent...

from her 36 hour trip...

superb tub gurnard...

a handful of John Dory...

plenty of mackerel...

and scad...

a few ling...

and a good shot of hake...

as to be expected...

from the grounds where she and the other seiners have been working...

Tom on the Harvest Reaper was one of several inshore trawlers who will be keen to see what mix of fish was landed...

there were also plenty of haddock...

and whiting...

to go with these top quality red mullet...

the rest f the netters will sail today...

including the Amanda...

compare with Rowse's latest crabber to join the fleet...

caught in the morning sun...

she works two large seine nets...

a tour of the seiner...

no doubt Roger will have been to see how many JDs came ashore...

from a boat with such a deep draft only able to enter and leave Newlyn around high water on big tides...

Admiral Gordon  makes her way in to land...

fly-shooter's buffs...

watch here to see how a fly-shooter fishes...

second coat needed on the crabber.