
Friday 26 February 2021

Fishing reports on trawling from Farming Today this week.


Radio 4's Farming Today ran a series of reports specifically focussing on various types of trawling in the UK.

Monday: Farming Today starts a week-long look at trawling; how it works, how the industry could be affected by Brexit and what happens now the UK has more control over what happens in its waters. We start the week by speaking to Bryce Stewart, a fisheries biologist and associate professor at the University of York. 

Tuesday: Ahead of his speech at the National Farmers Union Conference - this year hosted virtually - the DEFRA Secretary, George Eustice, answers questions in a wide-ranging interview covering topics from the compensation for seafood businesses effected by export delays to the future of farm payments. And the Marine Management Organisation is consulting on plans to prevent bottom trawling on the Dogger Bank and three other Marine Protected Areas. 

Wednesday: Heather Simons finds out how fish markets have been impacted this year by the COVID pandemic, and by the UK leaving the EU. 

Thursday: A look at how dredging for scallops can be made more sustainable. Plus we discuss what a recent ban on Pulse Trawling might mean for scientific fishing innovation. 

Friday: The owners of a Hull-based trawler, which catches about 1 in 10 of every fish we buy from the chippy, warn they will be forced to stop fishing unless the government sorts out quotas. The Kirkella forms most of the UK’s distant waters fleet - she can take 12 tonnes of fish in one haul and then process and freeze it in an onboard factory. But since Brexit the UK has no fishing deal with Norway, in whose waters The Kirkella fishes. It all used to be negotiated by the EU, now the UK has left, we need our own agreement - which hasn't happened yet. Jane Sandell from UK Fisheries which owns the trawler, says unless that changes, The Kirkella and its 100 crew members are in trouble. She's seeking reassurances from the fisheries minister Victoria Prentis who says there should be a deal in the next couple of weeks.