
Thursday 7 January 2021

Should the public sector be encouraged to buy British food?

This will be well worth tuning into:

By now, many people will appreciate that most of what we eat by way of fish is imported and most of what we catch is exported. In the last 10 years, for some species (like hake) this situation has been changing and more consumed here in the UK. THIS has real relevance to the fishing industry here in the UK today given that Seafish couldn't readily answer the simple question, "How many wet fish outlets are there in the UK?" at the start of the last lockdown.

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee is to hold the final evidence session of its inquiry into Public Sector Procurement of Food.

Watch Parliament TV: 
Public sector procurement of food 

Purpose of the session

The Committee will question Defra Under-Secretary Victoria Prentis on topics including how public bodies can procure food in ways that support small businesses, healthy eating, animal welfare and environmental outcomes. The session will also cover whether the Government Buying Standards for Food and Catering (GBSF) need updating and possible changes to public procurement following the end of the transition period.

Witnesses: Tuesday 12 January at 3.30pm

  • Victoria Prentis MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs).