
Sunday 24 January 2021

Never a dull moment in Newlyn.

With all things considered, no doubt young Roger Nowell will no doubt be looking forward to sunnier weather and a chance to chase his favourite fish, the John Dory...

while the Spanish flag of convenience netter Monte Mazantu continues to enjoy her ability to land a full trip of fish into the back of a waiting lorry bound for Spain - of subsequent minimal economic benefit to the UK...

twenty four hours later she is back fishing on the edge of the Continental Shelf 180 miles south west of Newlyn...

windfarm support vessel NR Lynx makes her way in through the gaps...

as does the handliner Orion after a morning on the mackerel...

big boulders, just what a beam trawler doesn't want to be seeing in the cod end...

some of the crew on the St Georges are busy...

greasing the running gear on a very chilly morning...

as the Monte Mazantu prepares to land her catch...

to the waiting transport...

it's been a long time before there wasn't a single netter in port...

while out in the bay it has been a long night for the guys on the sardine boat Asthore after they managed to get the net in the prop while hauling a full catch of fish. They will all be so not looking forward to the next day back in port when they start filling needles to repair the resultant damage to the net.