
Tuesday 12 January 2021

Brittany's fishing ports are struggling with the health crisis

Landings in the seven fishing ports of Cornouaille (or Brittany as we know it in the UK), including that of Guilvinec, the third French fishing port, fell by nearly 12% in value in 2020 due to the health crisis, announced Monday the metropolitan CCI Bretagne Ouest (CCIMBO ) who manages it. 

The total landings under auction and non-auction reached 46,313 tonnes in 2020, down 5.07% to a value of 124 million euros, down 11.8%.

"These bad figures are the result of the health crisis linked to Covid-19 but also of the very bad weather conditions of the first three months of the year.`'

Christophe Hamel, auction manager of the CCIMBO Quimper. 

Closure of restaurants and borders: fishing is toast!

"Deep-sea fishing is the big loser this year," said Christophe Hamel during a press conference. Landings from this fishery fell by 19.4% in tonnage and 23.2% in value due in particular to the closure of restaurants and borders.

Le Guilvinec in retreat, Douarnenez at the top!

Landings at Guilvinec fell by 16.23% in tonnage and 17.63% in value due to the difficulties encountered by deep-sea fishing which represents 80% of the port's activity.

On the other hand, Douarnenez achieves “its best year for 20 years” , according to Christophe Hamel. In particular, sardine landings were very important (9,256 tonnes, compared to 5,499 in 2019). Landings there increased by 46.01% in tonnage and 10.47% in value.

The CCIMBO manages the seven fishing ports of Cornouaille which are Audierne, Concarneau, Douarnenez, Le Guilvinec, Loctudy, Penmarc'h and Lesconil.

They represent 21% of French fresh fish and 45% of Breton fresh fish . Le Guilvinec is the third French fishing port for all species and the first in artisanal fishing (coastal and small-scale fishing)

Full story courtesy of France3 - Brittany.