
Saturday 3 October 2020

UK Fisheries and Brexit - from the pages of the Daily Express

Earlier today episode 4 of the Daily Express' Unlocked programme discussed Brexit and Fishing. Join former MEPs Martin Daubney & Belinda De Lucy for another episode of Brexit Unlocked 🔓 

This week’s superb Eurosceptic line-up includes: 

  • June Mummery: Former British MEP 
  • Paul Lines: Chairman of Lowestoft Fishing Alliance 
  • James Glancy: Veterans For Wildlife, Presenter of Planet SOS, former Royal Marine & former MEP 
  • Laura Huhtasaari: Finnish MEP for The Finns Party 

UK fisheries on track for major post-Brexit boost as £6.5 billion on table after EU break UK fisheries could see a £6.5 billion boost once Brexit trade talks with the European Union have concluded and the UK regains full control of British waters, 
by Aurora Bosotti.   

The future of UK fisheries have been a hotly-debated point of contention in the Brexit negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union. The bloc has sought to maintain access to British waters in the aftermath of withdrawal while the UK Government demanded they relinquish full control back to Britain. Paul Lines, the chairman of the Lowestoft Fishing Alliance, told Un-locked Brexit is an opportunity for fisheries to get a £6.5 billion boost after years of "demise."

"If we get our way with Brexit, when we got the 54 percent of fish back that flagships now have, and we get zonal-attached fish, our fish take from net plat could be £6.5 billion.

"No government could ever turn that amount of money away and they should be behind people in this country who've worked hard to rebuild an industry."

The fishing activist insisted he wants to ensure the British industry recovers after years of failure to invest to provide younger generations additional employment opportunities.

Brexit news: Lines insisted UK fisheries have been undergoing a continuous "demise" over the years (Image: YOUTUNE/Un-locked) Mr Lines pointed out at the state of UK vessels compared to European fishing boats as an example of the downfall the sector has been subjected to.

He continued: "I just want to see an industry that's fit for young people to start work, and I want to see a fair industry.

"I don't want any of these double standards that have been played to us all over these years.

"We've been promised everything but we've actually just seen demise, demise, demise. If you look at foreign fishing fleets, the answer is there.

Brexit news: EU countries could suffer huge economic consequences if they lose access to UK waters (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK) He continued: "They're pretty, they're gayly painted, they're new, they're innovative.

"Look at England - you've got old men still going to sea in old boats they had when they were 30. And we've lost it all.

"I'm afraid my last breath will be taken fighting for a fair deal for British fishermen."

In the event of a no deal, the UK would regain full access control to its Economic Exlusive Zone (EEZ), meaning EU vessels would lose every right to fish in British waters.

Theoretically, a no deal would be more advantageous to the UK as fishermen would no longer have to compete with their European counterparts and the strict quota system would no longer apply.

The UK would also have to abide by the United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and continue to grant access to the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) British vessels are unable to fish.

And the EU may also seek to pressure the UK into a future agreement by imposing most-favored nation tariffs on any fish and fisheries the UK may seek to export to the bloc.

However, the high dependency of EU fishermen on British waters could push Brussels into agreeing to a favourable deal for the UK to avoid potential disruption to the stock European vessels have long had access to.

UK negotiator Lord Frost said there is still a chance for the UK and the EU to come to an agreement despite the persistent divergence on fishing.

He said: "On fisheries the gap between us is unfortunately very large and, without further realism and flexibility from the EU, risks being impossible to bridge. vc

“These issues are fundamental to our future status as an independent country.”" 

Meanwhile the French have their own battles to fight:

Macron at war with EU over fishing rights! President told to compromise on UK waters claim EMMANUEL MACRON is set to clash with Brussels over fisheries in order for a free trade deal between the UK and EU to be agreed. 

The BBC's Katya Adler, said: "Macron is under pressure to compromise his maximalist position on fishing rights for EU fishermen in UK waters but it’s politically very sensitive for him.

"He already has 2022 presidential elections on his mind.

"Key rivals could accuse him of sacrificing French interests."

Mr Macron has called for any deal to maintain access similar to what has been seen within the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

Under the CFP, EU member states are given equal access to waters within Europe's exclusive economic zone. Due to the UK's large and rich coastal waters, British fishermen have claimed the policy has allowed EU fleets to exploit our coastal region.  As well as the level playing field, fisheries has remained one of the main areas of divergence between the two sides.

However, with time running out for a deal, Boris Johnson and EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, will hold talks on Saturday to help break the deadlock. Brexit trade talks: EU lashed out declaring it 'doesn't trust' 

UK My constituents didn’t vote Tory to get Labour, says CHRIS CLARKSON A No 10 spokesman said: "The Prime Minister will be speaking to President von der Leyen tomorrow afternoon to take stock of negotiations and discuss next steps." 

The call follows the final day of formal Brexit negotiations today. This week, UK officials offered a proposal of a three-year transition period for fisheries to adjust.

Under this, the three-year period will give coastal communities adequate time to adjust post-Brexit.

The film below was made in the run-up to the EU Referendum in 2016. BREXIT THE MOVIE is a feature-length documentary film to inspire as many people as possible to vote to LEAVE the EU in the June 23rd referendum. 


The supportive text below makes for interesting reading four years down the road in the context of the situation the UK finds itself in - especially with regard to the second paragraph.

"BREXIT THE MOVIE spells out the danger of staying part of the EU. Is it safe to give a remote government beyond our control the power to make laws? Is it safe to tie ourselves to countries which are close to financial ruin, drifting towards scary political extremism, and suffering long-term, self-inflicted economic decline?

BREXIT THE MOVIE shows a side of the EU they don't want us to see: the sprawling self-serving bureaucracy, the political cynicism, the lack of accountability, the perks, the waste, the cronyism, the corruption.

BREXIT THE MOVIE cuts through the patronizing intellectualism of the noble, higher goals of 'Project Europe', to reveal the self-interestedness of the political-bureaucratic class which runs and benefits from the EU.

BREXIT THE MOVIE highlights the danger of becoming a prisoner in an insular, backward-looking Fortress Europe. And it explores the exciting opportunities that open up to us when we look beyond the narrow confines of the EU.

BREXIT THE MOVIE looks to the future, arguing forcefully and persuasively that it is safer and wiser to live in a country which is free, independent, self-governing, confident and global."