
Monday 12 October 2020

Misty Monday morning market in Newlyn.


The netter Amanda of Ladram heads out into a misty Mounts Bay long after the Monday morning fish market has finished...

one which saw an utterly delicious but fairly rare for these waters eight-legger the subject of some furious bidding...

crabbers need bait, trawlers catch plenty of lesser spotted dogfish or morki (Cornish for sea dog) to satisfy that need...

top quality fish featured heavily on the market floor like this Couch'e bream...

stunning red mullet...

still-stiff bass...

and perfect specimen jigged squid...

Cod, despite the attention it gets when it come to sharing with the French - we have around 10% of ICES Area VII quota - is only caught in quantity in spring mainly in the waters north of Cornwall...

big blondes...

were among this large haul of ray...

2-3kg bass are proving popular with the handliners, tough they would like to be seeing a much bigger run at this time of year...

one of the few fish that sports the thumbprint of a well-known religious character, but which fish?..

horse mackerel or scad, seldom seen on the wet fish shop slab but a tasty member of the pelagic fish set...


tub gurnard - an absolute delight to eat baked and encrusted in sea salt - ask your local supplier to get one for when you next entertain 6 people...

last but not least, a full trip of MSC Certified hake form the netter Silver Dawn.