
Friday 11 September 2020

It's another September #FishyFriday in Newlyn.


Social distancing measures now in place at Jubilee Pool's geothermically heated area...

tall ship Gallant set's sail for Falmouth...

outside boat, Bon Accord, looks like the latest addition to the Rowse crabber fleet has been working hard...

there would be no escape for any nautical miscreants if caught by the Border Patrol vessel Vigilant...

little and large scallopers, from 7 dredges aside on the Le Men Dhu to 17 on the Albion...

Unity, in from yet another trip working well south of Mounts  Bay...

there's a long day ahead for Dan and the boys on the sardine boat Golden Harvest the price you pay when the net hitches on the seabed...

meanwhile the last of the nigh's catch of sardines are brailed ashore from the Pelagic Marskman...

an ink-wash by local artist Bernard Evans hangs in the Harbour reception - some of the characters are still working on the market this morning...

Nazarene takes on bait (small gurnard) for another day on the pots...

those forklifts don't hang around in the keenness to get the best quality fish off the market and out to customers all over the Uk and EU...

be they megrim soles...

or mackerel...

inside the market is bright enough...

with buyers maintaining Covid-19 social distancing etiquette...

while they bid on haddock from the only beam trawl trip on the market from the Twilight IIIi...

inshore boats like the New Venture provided some cracking John Dory and monk tails...

as did the huge scalloper Albion...

the very best fish is line caught of course, here's a trio of bass from the Storm Petrel...

though these monk cheeks and Dory from the inshore netter Tracy Claire would happily be plated up by any of the best chefs in Cornwall...

along with these Dover soles...

ray wings...

not to mention a good shot of MSC Certified hake from the Britannia V - click here for more information on 'What it takes" to put hake on your plate...

after a week at sea just a handful of monk and megs discarded, these have become increasingly less and less with the technical advances made to trawl gear...

nice little trip from an inshore boat...

at this time of year, so late in the sailing season, the size of yachts passing through increases reflecting their ability to deal with the more unpredictable weather associated with this time of year...

here's hoping, though the current negotiations seem to have reached something of an impasse...

six at a time when landing the ports largest trawler, Crystal Sea.