
Friday 25 September 2020

Final September #FishyFriday from Newlyn.

Just a few days ago there were no yachts on passage berthed...

the current wintry weather saw several take cover including the classic Banff registered Hekla...

as concerns rise over a second wave of Covid-19 buyers like Godfrey from Trelawney Fish take the appropriate measures...

as young Mr Cleave and Craig Tonkin discuss the latest developments...

back to a less than busy #FishyFriday market with just a quick shot of quality hake...

from the Ygriane...

together with a splattering of big white fish like this cod...

while beam tralwer St Georges put ashore a full trip fish including a good run of monk...

at this time of year and quality mackerel this big make excellent money...

Stevenson's chief auctioneer Ian Oliver in full Covid-19 mode records the winning bid - in the not too distant future this sight will be a thing of the past when the fish market is graced with a computer run clock auction......

Smart's grabbed the one big turbot landed...

along with a sole selection...

which just left the megrim soles with homes to go to...

via forklift back to the processing shed...

the back end of a very fresh night with winds hitting nearly 50mph...

saw the fleet safely back in port...

 save for the netting fleet all of whom must have had en extremely uncomfortable night dodging in the weather

the sardine boats won't be going out this evening for sure...

there's been plenty of sardines caught between these two vessels...

just a small sample of the seabed litter picked up by the Crystal Sea...

passing storm clouds head east...

they were prepared before and showed their support...

looks like there's a boat on the move this morning

and a new home working from Beer in Devon...

yet more pots...

is indeed a sign of the times...

Newlyn Art Gallery has several exhibitions running at the moment reflecting the pandemic's affect on the community in Newlyn...

all hands hoping this is sooner rather than later!