
Sunday 16 August 2020

'Travel' to Norway for free and visit Nor-Fishing 2020 Digital 18 – 20 August!

 Nor-Fishing 2020 Digital – ready to kick off next week

This year the traditional Nor-Fishing exhibition will go digital for the first time in its long history. The event is fast approaching, and exhibition manager Kari Steinsbø reports several hundred pre-registered visitors.

‘To follow the event live, you must pre-register to receive login details. Attending the exhibition is completely free of charge for visitors, and now that the event is approaching, more and more visitors are signing up,’ she said. 

The event is broadcasted live over three days, from 18-20th August, and each day’s broadcast will last for about five hours. To those who are excited about how the digital event will be, Kari Steinsbø explained that following the event will be like watching a live TV programme that you can participate in yourself – by asking questions to debaters or talking to exhibitors in digital meeting rooms.

‘Each day of the event includes a good mix of features with lectures from leading researchers, debates and of course some highlights such as student features and celebration of the exhibition’s 60th anniversary,’ she said.

The full programme is now updated on the Nor-Fishing web site, and will be updated continuously until the event opens.

‘We think it’s great that the year Nor-Fishing celebrates 60 years will be the year when the first digital fishing event kicks off. We have worked hard for our viewers to experience an exciting event – and we are really looking forward to going live on Tuesday,’ she added, commenting that all you need is internet access.

‘Although it is strange and a little sad that the industry will not meet in Trondheim this year, the digital platform has several benefits. Visitors avoid all expenses and logistics in connection with travelling to the event and can participate from anywhere in the world – as long as they have internet access. If you are at sea during the event, you can participate as long as you have internet access on your mobile phone,’ Kari Steinsbø said.

Register here as a visitor to Nor-Fishing 2020 Digital