
Thursday 4 June 2020

Innovative Responses to the Pandemic

In recent months, the UK fisheries industry has had to rapidly respond to the changing national and global landscape in the face of the ongoing pandemic. In addition to support from governments, the industry has also taken steps independently to ensure its continued survival. This has resulted in a number of unique innovations, most notably in terms of trade and welfare support.

The APPG will be hosting an online public meeting for attendees to learn more about these initiatives, and to put their questions to the panel. The meeting will be taking place via Zoom on Thursday 4 June from 3pm to 4.30pm.

A panel of sector representatives will present on a number of innovative responses that are taking place across the UK. There will also be attention drawn to existing measures that have proved invaluable during this time. Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session, where all attendees are invited to submit questions for the panel. The meeting is a great opportunity for Parliamentarians and the industry to learn about the action taking place within the sector.

APPG Schedule 

2.50pm Attendees join via Zoom. See the Zoom Information Pack for more details. Please note that the event will be recorded. 

3.00pm Meeting begins with an introduction from Sheryll Murray MP, who will chair the session. 

3.10pm Chris Ranford - Community Engagement Lead, Seafood Cornwall Chris will talk about how Seafood Cornwall is supporting the Cornish fish supply chain, through the #FishToYourDoor initiative among others. 

3.18pm Bob McCoubrey - Owner, Mourne Seafood Bar Bob will talk about how his restaurant business has changed to become a drive-through fishmongers, also supporting local fishers. 

3.26pm Ben King - CEO, Pesky Fish Ben will discuss how his fishermen’s market and distribution model has adapted to support fishermen through direct sales to consumers. 

3.34pm Patrick Salmon - Owner, Alfred Enderby Ltd Patrick will speak on the role of his business in distributing produce directly to consumers, and support of the wider Grimsby seafood sector. 

3.42pm Martin Yorwarth - Fisherman and Fishmonger, Yorwarth Fresh Fish Martin will discuss how he has collaborated with local fishers, expanded sales to rural communities, and his links with providing meals for the homeless. 

3.50pm Q&A and discussion. Questions will be taken first from MPs and Peers and then opened to the floor. 

4.30pm Meeting ends. @FisheriesAPPG Twitter On Twitter? 

Contribute to the discussion online using #FishingResponses.

Information on speakers and the event schedule is available here.

If you wish to attend, or for further information, contact us at