
Saturday 2 May 2020

MMO served leagl notice over CatchApp .

Remember the furore over CatchApp - the Under10m fish catch reporting system developed for the MMO at a reported coat of £1.7million pounds? 

Read on:

The basis for the action is that CatchApp has not yet been signed off as a completed project as it, in the views of many users, "flawed, inaccurate, and incapable of being complied with or capable of producing accurate evidence" and therefore not a legitimate means of doing the job intended - ie reporting fish catches.
Over half the fisherman who completed a survey on the app said they felt the pressure it brought on them - having to be sure that they were confident they could guess the weight of their catch within the 10% margin required was enough to affect their mental health - for fear of prosecution.

This was born out in a survey of 135 fishermen who reported on their experience of sing the app at sea... 

often on very small vessels in all kinds of weather. Of those who completed the survey, the majority felt the app needed a much better solution to catch reporting for the Under10m sector as previously reported in Through the Gaps.