
Thursday 16 April 2020

MSC Certified Cornish hake in abundance on the fish market at Newlyn this morning!

One of the smallest inshore trawlers in the local fleet provides an escort for the big Belgian beam trawler Antje de Vries Z115 leaving Newlyn...

as Stevenson's beamer Twilight III...

makes her way to the fish market to land...

makes her way to the fish market to land...

a trip of quality flatfish including plaice...

and monk...

amounting to a 120 boxes of other quality flatfish typical of a beam trawler's trip at this time of year including lemon, megrim and Dover sole, brill, turbot, John Dory and several species of ray like stars and blondes.........

while the netter Britannia V put ashore the first trip of MSC Certified Cornish hake to be landed this week - let's hope the buyers can find enough outlets to maintain prices high enough to keep the fleet at sea.