
Thursday 9 April 2020

About twenty Guilvinec coastal sailors have set out to sea

Despite the health crisis and the economic slowdown, the “fishing” activity continues its course at the port in this Easter week. About 20 inshore fishers, three-quarters of the local fleet, set sail on Wednesday, April 8, 2020.

The port of Guilvinec.

Despite the health crisis and the economic slowdown, the “fishing” activity continues its course at the port in this Easter week. About 20 inshore fishers, three-quarters of the local fleet, took to the water on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, to which are added a dozen of deep-sea craftsmen who left for tides of three to four days.

Even if the volumes remain low (20 to 25% of the activity), the products are completely sold at correct prices because the quantity corresponds perfectly to the demand of local buyers but also outside due to the reopening of the markets in particular. On the fish side, we mainly find monkfish, skate and mackerel. 1.5 tons of Norway lobster found takers in auction on Wednesday, on all the twenty or so inshore fishers in operation, at around €11 per kilo for the small and at €16-17 for the large. Prices which, as Easter approaches, should go up over the next few days.

Small volumes but activity also continues in Loctudy, where all the inshore and punts are at sea. Note a deep-sea boat which will be on sale Thursday or Friday.

Full story from Ouest France here: