
Tuesday 17 March 2020

Seafish support for the seafood sector during Covid-19 outbreak in the UK

We’re making adjustments to how we work so that we can continue to support the UK seafood sector.

As the coronavirus situation evolves, Seafish staff will work from home until Friday 1st May, to reduce the risk to health and wellbeing and play our part in slowing the spread.

Meetings will happen by phone, conference call or online and our staff will be available as usual via email and phone. We have postponed or cancelled some of our larger events which were due to take place before 1st May. We are fully committed to supporting the UK seafood sector through this difficult time.

In this situation, the availability of food is crucial and the seafood industry has a huge part to play in this.

We are aware of the impact this is already having on seafood businesses and supply chains and we will do what we can to help.

We can play an important role in pulling together a complete overview of all the impacts of coronavirus across the entire seafood sector.

You can contribute information and insight so that we can provide a full overview to the industry and Government through regular reports.

Please tell us how your business is affected by coronavirus and how you’re responding by emailing or get in touch with anybody at Seafish and they will share your story with our analysis team. Your information will be treated confidentially.

If there is anything else you think we can do to help, please let us know.

More information on support for the seafood industry is available on our 

Coronavirus updates for the seafood industry

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is expected to impact our lives and businesses. We’ll provide the latest updates from Government for businesses, employers and employees in the seafood industry.
Last updated Monday 16th March 2020.
As the situation with coronavirus (Covid-19) in the UK evolves, it is important that everyone is aware of the latest advice from the UK Government and the health information from the NHS.
This is likely to cause significant business disruption. We are currently monitoring the situation and how this is impacting the seafood industry. 

Support from Seafish

We are aware of the impact this is already having on seafood businesses and supply chains and we will do what we can to help.  
We can play an important role in pulling together a complete overview of all the impacts of coronavirus across the entire seafood sector.  
You can contribute information and insight so that we can provide a full overview to the industry and Government through regular reports. 
Please tell us how your business is affected by coronavirus and how you’re responding by emailing or get in touch with anybody at Seafish and they will share your story with our analysis team. Your information will be treated confidentially.
If there is anything else you think we can do to help, please let us know. 

Support and advice for businesses

The UK Government has published updated guidance for businesses, employers and employees. We recommend you check the page regularly and subscribe for email alerts. 
The Government also announced a package of measures to provide support for public services, individuals and businesses affected by Covid-19. This includes:
  • A statutory sick pay relief package for SMEs
  • A Business Rate Relief for small businesses and pubs
  • Small business grant funding of £3,000 for all business in receipt of Small Business Rates Relief (SBRR) and Rural Rates Relief
  • The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme to support long-term viable businesses who may need to respond to cash-flow pressures by seeking additional finance
Defra is asking all businesses in the seafood and fisheries sectors to report back any intel on how events might be impacting their businesses.
Please email with any information you would like to share.

Local sources of support

Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Governments have local information available via their websites:

We recommend you check their websites regularly and subscribe to email alerts.

A new helpline has been launched to supply Scottish businesses with tailored advice on coronavirus. The helpline number is 0300 303 0660.
It is open Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:30, based at Scottish Enterprise's call centre in Clydebank. Call handlers will answer questions from businesses related to Covid-19 as well as relaying the challenges faced by businesses to the Scottish Government.

Business Wales has advice on its website for Welsh businesses. The phone number for further advice is 0300 060 3000.
Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Business Info has advice on its website for Northern Irish businesses.

Other sources of support

ACAS has published information for employees and employers, including information on simple steps to help protect the health and safety of staff, sick pay and absence from work.
A number of private lenders are also making funds available to small businesses impacted by COVID-19, including £2 billion from Lloyds Banking Group and £5 billion from NatWest.