
Monday 23 March 2020

Plenty of fish on Monday morning's market in Newlyn.

Dawn breaks behind Penzance's Jubilee Pool over St Michaels Mount...

as a few Battery Rockers take their early morning dip in the Bay...


lemon sole...

Dover sole...


and brill are mostly exported from Newlyn to the EU - and are the fish showing the biggest drop in prices across the board as the trade between countries dwindles owing to the COVID19 restrictions...

boxes of lemon sole...


and cuttles from the Lisa Jacqueline will be on the auction in the morning...


John Dory...

and tub gurnards are all fish suffering from very low demand with buyers...

newly introduced 'social distancing' measures are being take seriously...

  especially by young George, determined to keep anyone at least 2m from him...

it is quiet this morning...

with many if the boats tied up, unsure if they go to sea there will be a market for their fish when they return...

Jeremy on the Nazaren has pots to haul...

the George and Julian demonstrate social distancing for the benefit of other market users......

as dawn breaks over an uncertain future for the port.