
Saturday 8 February 2020

Westminster Hall - Trouble with CATCH APP?

The recently launched MMO's Catch App, has attracted a huge amount of criticism - one, that it is not for for purpose and two, simply the seemingly outrageous cost reputed to have been £1.8million pounds (given that the brother of a Cornish crab fisherman developed a near identical app for around £800) that works and was already in use and accepted by ICFA and the MMO for shellfish catch returns.

Make your thoughts know to your MP! - Have you contacted your MP yet and asked them to attend and voice your concerns?


Sheryl MURRAY MP has secured a Westminster Hall debate next Wednesday at 0930 on the future of fishing. These are not usually well attended unless MPs are contacted by constituents and asked to raise issues. So all of you having CATCHAPP problems this is a great opportunity to email your MP and set out your problems. 

Link below to all MP contacts in case you don’t have. MPs staff always hugely busy so putting Westminster Hall fish debate / urgent in message subject will help staff notice needs swift attention. 

Where an MP has a Parliamentary email (and local one) best to use the Parliament one, or both. This is a broad debate so opportunity to raise issues beyond Catchapp. Short and succinct vs long and rambling will get more response from MPs generally and by all means add list of questions you would like asked of the fisheries Minister, this is the MPs chance to raise them. 

Good luck!

How to contact your local MP representing your fishing interest.

Cornish MPs by port - contact them by phone or email!


Fowey and Looe 



Newlyn, St Ives, Hayle