
Wednesday 15 January 2020

Scottish Fishing Conference 2020: From Innovation to Action

With a persistent limelight on our sea fisheries and marine environment, the emergence of new technologies, climate impacts, and a growing understanding of the role fishers, scientists and communities play in fisheries management – we’re at a pivotal moment for Scottish seafood.

FIS believes that innovation is the key to releasing the untapped potential for greater prosperity and sustainability in Scotland’s seafood industry. Our conference is an opportunity for the industry – and partners – to not only showcase what innovation in fisheries and other sectors can achieve but also to tease out fresh ideas to make the greatest change for our industry and the people driving it.

What you can expect from the conference:

Over the two full conference days, you can expect lots of opportunities to contribute, with discussions designed to result in concrete actions and new projects.

Day one (1st July 2020 - 11.00am - 17.00pm) will include:

  • ‘Defining innovation’ – Ensuring we’re all working towards the same goal, we’ve asked voices from across the sector ‘what does innovation mean to you?’. From this definition, across the two days we’ll work together to deliver a vision for the fisheries of the future.
  • FIS Board members will take attendees on a deep-dive into FIS-commissioned projects, conducting live Q&A interviews on stage and exploring impact.
  • Interactive workshop-style sessions with themes including ‘Vessels of the Future’ and ‘Scotland’s vision for fisheries science’.
  • Dinner at the stunning Lower College Hall at the University of St Andrews.

Day two (2nd July 2020 - 09.30am - 15.30pm) will include:

  • Shark Tank: A Dragon’s Den for fisheries innovation. Look forwards to live pitches for innovative ideas and products from students and entrepreneurs – and a chance to have your say on the best ideas presented.
  • Additional plenary sessions and break-outs focusing on big issues impacting the Scottish fishing industry: your chance to be vocal on fishing safety, the business of fishing, and more.
  • Programme information & Logistical details

The full conference programme will be available soon. Conference registration and attendance is free and there will be a charge to cover the cost of the conference dinner.

Look out for dinner tickets: on sale from February onwards.

Delegates should make their own accommodation arrangements.

Accommodation is widely available in St. Andrews, but we highly recommend the reasonably priced and comfortable accommodation at the University’s Agnes Blackadder Hall. If you would like to book a room, please email:

If you have any further queries about the conference, or ideas and input – please contact: