
Monday 13 January 2020

Monday Morning's market in Newlyn ahead of Storm Brendan.

With storm Brendan on the way and most of the fleet in port already there's a rush to land at the market this morning...

first in the queue is the Aaltje Adriaantje...

closely followed by the record breaking...

 PZ 1053, the St Georges...

and it is good to see that skipper Bill Worth has his crew suitably attired with their PFDs as they moor the boat alongside the fish market...

where the morning auction is already underway...

with a good selection of quality flats like these brill...

Dover sole...

and plaice...

and with wild weather all round the rest of the UK coast these mackerel are likely to make big money...

which will make Mr McClary a happy man, being one of the few handline boats that put in the fishing effort in poor conditions over the weekend...

these megrim soles were just some of the discards landed under the Landing Obligation regulations - Number One megrims were making £11.40 this morning, a huge price...

the one and only bass was snapped up...

as the buyers were pushed to pay ever-higher prices to meet the nationwide demand for fresh fish...

blonde ray...

red mullet...

and lemon soles all made excellent prices...

name this good-looking fish...

no sooner has the boat touched the quayside the crew set to work...

on overhauling the beam trawls and chain mats...

while the merchants get the morning's purchases back to the factory poste-haste.