
Saturday 21 December 2019

MMO announce panel dates for MFF scheme in England

The MMO is pleased to confirm dates for the first Maritime and Fisheries Fund (MFF) panel.

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) are administering a new £15.4 million Maritime & Fisheries Fund (MFF).

This is the England share of the £37 million additional funding for the UK which was announced by Treasury. The fund is open to applications to develop port and harbour infrastructure, processing and marketing of fisheries products, productive investments in aquaculture and to support lifesaving vessel safety measures, among other areas which can be viewed on our website.

Any applications that are over £100,000 in total project cost are considered by the MFF panel. The panel are responsible for reviewing applications and recommending projects for approval in line with the objectives of the scheme.

In order to be considered for the first panel, it is recommended that applicants ensure their fully formed, completed applications are submitted to MMO by 10 January 2020. The MFF is only set to run for just over two years so projects must be fully formed and ready to progress and spend quickly.

The first panel for 2020 is scheduled to be held in week commencing 2 March 2020. Further dates may be released, although this will be subject to funding availability. You can contact the MMO Grants Team on 0208 026 5539 to discuss any potential panel application or visit the MMO website for guidance and information on how to make an application.