
Saturday 7 December 2019

Fathom podcast number 2 - we're talking safety at sea!

The second Fathom podcast on safety at sea in the local fishing industry threw up some challenges for inshore fishermen who now have a legal requirement (ILO 88) under expected to wear pfds while they are at sea.

Crewman Luke Selvey talks about an incident from earlier this year when a fellow crewman aboard the Brixham beam trawler Emilia Jayne was plucked from the water wearing a pfd in weather conditions that, should he not have been wearing one, would certainly have cost him his life. 

Working space on the cramped deck of the Nazarene - where pfds proved uncomfortable and restrictive.

However, Porthlevener Jeremy Hosking, skipper of the inshore crabber Nazarene would happily have his crew and himself wear a pfd but in his words, "We can't physically do our job with it (pfd) on"! Not for the first time has legislation been brought in without sufficient research having been done as to the suitability of the equipment. Given that the new legislation concerning the wearing of such safety gear now affects thousands of fishermen in the UK and potentially millions worldwide you would like to think that a manufacturer will finally get to grips with this challenge and come up with a practicable pfd for seafarers working in confined spaces. It will make them loads of money and save hundreds of lives!

The new ILO 188 encompasses a new set of rules and regulations fishermen have to follow, but what does it mean when it has to be put in to practice on the water? Fathom is here to help fishermen find out.

Stelissa crew all wear pfds when landing on the quayside.
Also in this episode, the team speak to NFFO's Safety Adviser and Safety Folder Founder, Robert Greenwood and Clive Palfrey Cornwall's Fishing Safety Adviser about where ILO 188 came from, what the safety folder is how it can help make fishermen safer and what drills and risk assessments fishermen need to be doing by law. They also speak to the Skipper and the Owner of the Cornish fishing vessel Stelissa about their innovative approaches to safety on board.

Helpful links:
Risk assessments
Safety Folder
ILO 188
Fishing Safety Adviser (Cornwall)
Seafish Training Providers

Social Media
Ryan Davey (Skipper of Stelissa)
Luke Selvey
SCT Training

Seafarers UK