
Thursday 19 December 2019

Beam trawlers entering Newlyn in a sou'easterly gale at night.

All in a night's work, what it takes to to bring fish to your plate - the beam trawler Lisa Jacqueline followed by the Twilight III  in through the gaps in a sou'easterly gale...

to supply quality fish like these John Dory and red mullet...


big tub gurnard...


all fought over on one of the last fish markets for 2019 by the local buyers with customers desperate to fill their fish counters and menus...

there's plenty of variety of rays...

the ever-present haddock...

and the fish that Newlyn is now synonymous with...

MSC Certified hake...

Newlyn still maintains many local customs in defiance of regulations, elsewhere these fish would be just be labelled smoothounds...

there's bass of course...

and always those three top flats, megrims, lemons and Dover soles...

plenty of octopus...

and monk tails...

and a few of those brightly spotted plaice...

but for many in the fleet the Christmas break has arrived early, though all the port's big crabbers will be out fishing today.