
Saturday 30 November 2019

Skipper Alan and the Ajax are back in town!

Arriving at 630am the Ajax took up a berth near the ice works...

having steamed down from Macduff's shipyard in Scotland following a major refit including new main and genset engines...

and the replacement of the foremast with a hydraulic landing/gear crane...

as they crew ready to move her ahead...

so that she can take on board seven tons of ice ready for her first trip back...

a quick look round the 'new' boat...

along with the rest of the netting fleet...

as soon as the weather moderates, Trinity House's Patricia getting an uncomfortable ride in the bay today...

the Ajax looking spruce after her hull was stripped back to bare metal and given four full coats of paint...

beam trawler St Georges 

don't think I have ever seen the harbour flag flying at half mast so often as these last few months.