
Friday 1 November 2019

From Thursday in to the first #FishyFriday in November!

Landing late on Thursday afternoon and laden with 27 tons of sardines the ringnetter Mayflower...

brails her catch ashore...

having filled all three seawater tanks and the fish hopper to the brim...

the fish are immediately iced...

while the St Georges makes for the gaps now the forecast has improved...

while the Cornishman is landed by the youth team...

fast-forward to Friday morning and the skies are full of rain...

with most of the fleet in berth...

tell-tale waves breaking around the Mount indicate a heavy swell in the bay...

the first of the sardine fleet have taken up landing berths alongisde the fish market...

inside the market most of the inshore trawlers were able to put in up to 36 hours at sea for good hauls and landing the freshest of fish...

like this pair of ray from the Still Waters...

the beam trawlers filled a box with monk livers - try them at The Shore in Penzance...

the Sapphire II made a solid landing of quality flats like these brill and turbot...

while squid...


more turbot...

and bream came from the inshore boats...

some of whom had excellent shots of John Dory - a fish noted for schooling during and just after a gale of wind...

lesser spotted dogfish are used by the crabbers for boat and these days make relatively good money for bulk fish...

more JDs from the inshore boats...

this box sized plaice cam courtesy of the Billy Rowney...

while the Cornishman landed plenty of monk tails...


and lemons...

everywhere the boats go to fish they catch haddock...

loads of them...

although there is little mackerel in the Bay the handliners have been targeting bass this week to good effect...

with their unmistakable scale pattern...

while these line caught pollack will no doubt head for the very best restaurants and fish shops able to attract premium prices for premium quality fish......

while the middle fridge was full of mackerel from t Ives Bay...

with some boats willing to fish from dawn to dusk came close to filling up...

silver darlings, not so common in these waters...

outside the market the ring netter Pelagic Marksman is landing...

as she does so, staff from the MMO gather samples of the landing in a box...

and check the contents...

for size and by-catch while...

astern of her, the Golden Harvest also makes ready to land this morning's haul of sardines.