
Thursday 28 November 2019

Easy-reading Seafish guides to fish stock management.

Everything you need to know about fish stock management and how Seafish works with ICES in assessing and calibrating fish stocks in the North East Atlantic for the benefit of UK fishing.

The implementation of responsible and sustainable fisheries management is central to the seafood industry’s social licence to operate and essential in safeguarding its future. In recent years improvements in the sustainability of fisheries have been made due to developments in fish stock assessment and management practices.

Recognising the need for a shared understanding of how fish stocks are assessed and fisheries are managed Seafish has produced the overviews and guides available to download below.  These documents have been designed to explain concepts in a way that can be understood without the need for complex mathematical formulae or previous training in fisheries science.Overviews
These summary documents provide an outline on how stocks are assessed and managed:

  • Overview of Sustainable Fisheries Assessment and Management: This document gives an overview of sustainable fisheries assessment, introducing fisheries management, stock assessment and sustainable harvesting and how stocks with limited data are assessed.
  • Overview of Fisheries Management: This document gives an overview of the political and science framework in which fisheries management operates.
  • Overview of Maximum Sustainable Yield: This document gives an overview of how fishing at maximum sustainable yield (MSY) aims to catch the maximum quantity of fish that can safely be removed from the stock while maintaining its capacity to produce sustainable yields in the long term. 
  • Overview of Data-Limited Stock Assessment: This document gives an overview of how fish stocks are assessed when there isn’t sufficient data available to use conventional models.

These more in-depth documents provide additional information on stock assessment and management techniques: