
Monday 7 October 2019

Monday morning's market in Newlyn.

Monday morning's market was average in size, unlike these big squid...

Tom even picked away a few cuttles from south of Mounts Bay, unusual at the best if times...

while the netter Stelissa called in with a good shot of MSC Certified Cornish hake - which is the dish of the day this Wednesday during #SeafoodWeek...

any kind of bream make good eating - baked in sea salt is a great way to cook them - and black bream like these would be no exception...

sand soles come in all skin shades and patterns...

as do plaice of course which was yesterday's dish of the day...

although conger are seldom targeted these days - during the winter all the Newlyn longliners would fish for them at times though they probably make as much money today as they did years ago - shame - they make the best fish cakes ever!..

 they look good and, when they are cooked right, taste even better, sweet red mullet...

hake that is MSC Certified is the best sustainable white fish to put on your plate in the UK!...

and then there's bass of course, the King of fish as that piscatorial God Floyd called them...

or maybe ray tickles your taste buds, meaty, delicious and a bonus for thos who find it difficult to deal with bones - they don't have any to worry about!..

then there's mackerel - the king of oily fish, unless you are a herring man of course...

and there were plenty on the market this morning - mackerel that is...

turbot tails, there's two sides to every story...

a solid haul of late season John Dory from the Dory king himself...

to go with a few boxes of whiting he managed to haul aboard...

eyes down for the bidding process...

even Tom dipped into a few JDs...

number one mink tails courtesy of the beam trawler Resurgam...

Amanda of Ladram heads in...

 to take ice...

mackerel to go, and its dark outside until 7am these days

the Shetland based multi-purpose vessel Constructor was built in Norway...