
Friday 4 October 2019

Health & safety - Brixham Trawler race is no more.

It’s described by the organisers as the end of an era. The high point of the year for the English port of Brixham – the annual trawler race – will no longer be taking place.

The 2019 Trawler Race was the last one in a tradition that goes back more than fifty years and which has proved an enduringly popular event, with visitors coming from all over the South-West of England, as well as a regular number of dedicated visitors to the port over that June weekend coming from many parts of Europe.

A charity event dedicated to raising funds for local charities and activities, the Trawler Race this year raised £24,000.

‘This will, sadly, remain an unbroken record as there will be no future Trawler Races,’ the organisers state.

It has always been a lively June weekend for Brixham, with crowds gathering on the quaysides as the fleet leaves the harbour for its laps around Torbay. As the fleet returns, lining up at the quays as the barbecues on the decks and the sound systems are broken out, the party gets going and this has traditionally continued well into the night.

The Trawler Race’s organisers have stated that increasing Health and Safety legislation requirements are the reason for the event’s demise.

‘It is no longer possible to legally run the race. It has been impossible to comply with newly imposed constraints and regulations,’ the committee announced.

‘The committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the organisers, skippers, crews and owners of the vessels who have generously given their time and attention over generations to make race days such notable events for some fifty-five years. We would also like to thank the tens of thousands of people and organisations who have supported the race.’