
Friday 4 October 2019

#FishyFriday celebrates the start of Seafood Week - and today it's mackerel!

The cuttlefish season seems to have kicked off this week with this morning's market averaging around 4 tons of black gold per boat for those that ventured to the spawning grounds south of Devon...

while in home waters, Tom on the Harvest Reaper picked away an excellent shot of late season John Dory for his trip...

not a creature you often see on the market, but a common enough sight on the decks of trawlers at hauling time in these parts...


a-plenty this morning...

and to celebrate Seafood Week, that most humble but often looked down on by some, the hugely delicious fish that is mackerel, top Irish chef, Richard Corrigan rates this fish, "the most delicious fish in the world'...

and very fitting as this week a photo of mackerel being landed in Newlyn won the 2019 Shipwrecked Mariners Society photo competition!..

better still, head for The Shore, one of the finest fish restaurants in Cornwall and sample some of chef Bruce Rennie's amazing Asian fusion fish dishes that includes a mighty morsel of mackerel heated up with a dash of Wasabi for good measure - mouthwatering stuff from Bruce!..

next up, three beam trawlers landed to this morning's market with monkfish (without their livers) from the Sapphire III...


and Dover sole from the Lisa Jacqueline...

more than enough to keep the buyers busy this morning...

especially with these luscious lemons up for auction...

as ever, ink from the cuttles cascades across the market floor...

a short video on how to bake these tub gurnard will appear on the Seafood Cornwall site in the near future - a simple dish and well worth the small amount of effort needed to entertaining your dinner guests...

Sapphire III, all set for the next trip.