
Sunday 13 October 2019

Busy weekend in Newlyn as the new lifeboat house is officially opened.

The ever-happy Harbour staffer Ben makes the rounds checking on the boats berthed in the harbour...

Seafood Cornwall Training have plenty of courses for anyone wishing to join the fishing industry...

the Ocean Pride looking good with her new stern net housing and paint job...

today, Penlee Lifeboat has its new lifeboat house officially opened...

with a do organised for all those in making it happen...

meanwhile young Mr Williams sorts the stern line along with fellow Filipino deckhands...

as the hake netter Charisma heads for the gaps...

hopefully it won't be too long before these guys get to land their fish on the market at Newlyn again...

like the Stelissa's...

young skipper Ryan who is all smiles after landing...

this 60 kilo swordfish for Monday's market...

great to see the crews wearing the PFDs - even when landing...

skipper Ryan setting the example (better get one for the daughter too ;-)...

also landing is the Nicola of Ladram putting a lorry full f brown crab ashore...

it's not all smiles with Tom having picked up a huge boulder for the third successive trip...

requiring the net to go ashore to be mended - the learner-decky Tom keeping the tension even as Tom makes row after row of new mesh...

yes, it's skipper Tom, decky Tom and decky-learner Tom! - more toms than Ginger Baker's RIP drum kit.