
Thursday 10 October 2019

Bringing in the catch - Cornish sardines fresh from Mounts Bay

At first light Golden Harvest heads in through the gaps...

not long after dawn breaks over the crabber Emma Louise up on the slip...

with 21 tons of sardines on board...

ready to land in front of the fish market...

skipper Dan looks back at his boat loaded to the tops of her iced seawater tanks with sardines...

then keeps local fish merchant Julan Smart in the picture with his landing news...

astern of her, the Amanda of Ladram lands a trip of hake..

 and whitefish...

under the watchful of local MMO staff who check the contents and count the boxes as they are landed...

the Little Pearl's brail is full and ready to begin landing her sardine catch...

looks like Cap'n Cod and crew Jamie are busy aboard the Butts...

as the Lyonesse completes her haul...

and boards the net...

then begins the short steam to Newlyn...

passing the Mount on the way...

before taking a landing berth against the quay......

with over 11 tons of sardines in her insulated tubs 500kg bins...

which is just about her maximum load...

meanwhile Dan keeps the MMO staff on their toes as he ferries three full bins to the refrigerated transport waiting for his catch...

as another brail of fish from the Little Pearl...

are swung over the waiting bins...

Dan's crew have made a start on their catch...

as one of the three boats that landed tis morning... 

each brail carries around 300kg...

the net on the brail is fitted with a cod end clip such as that which would be used on a traditional trawl net which needs to be pulled undone...

to release the fish into the waiting bin...

the boats left Newlyn yesterday evening but did not find any marks fish on which to shoot until just before dawn...

at low water, down on the deck of the Lyonesse skipper Will uses the hydraulic arm...

 to lift each bin to the quayside...

where they are guided into position...

and topped off with the maximum...

 amount of fish before heading off to the processor.