
Friday 27 September 2019

Fresh #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

With a week of wicked weather the last #FishyFriday market in September saw a big shot of MSC Certified Cornish hake from the netter Stelissa...

a handful of mackerel...

even less haddock...

and a few boxes of mixed fish...

not what you need when you are showing off the diversity of fish landed to newlyn which very often has 40 or even 50+ species of fish auctioned in a single day...

though that doesn't seem to have deterred CFPO chair Paul Trebilcock and the MWC Marine team from making a 04:30 start to the day...

young Edwin stocking up on ice...

the crabber Nimrod now back in port...

PJ's face tells a story - the forecast for the weekend is severe gales on top of a 2oft tide - time to prepare the flood defences again...

it all looks so tranquil from this angle...

but there's a reason boats of this size are sheltering in port...

let's hope the scaffolded cover over the Fishermen's Arms and Pat's house holds up!...

further out in the bay things look a little more uncomfortable by the Low Lee buoy...

with a heavy sea running in the lee of the land...

over in Penzance wet dock the Scilly supply ship Gry Maritha is takes on stores from the Coop delivery truck...

while in the dry dock,  the now not needed replacement Mali Rose completes her latest work.