
Monday 23 September 2019

Every little helps.

A pupil at the Pierre-Loti maritime high school, Léo Tréhen-Le Tinier worked on a project to make the boats cleaner. His invention, the "Recoverer" could well be among the innovations presented to the European Parliament.

Léo Tréhen-Le Tinier, soon 17 years old, has already realized the plans for his future 'recoverer'. It remains to work on a prototype.

Léo Tréhen-Le Tinier is on the second CGEM (marine management course) at the maritime high school of Paimpol. Already a CAP sailor in hand, obtained last year, and the quiet assurance of a young man who knows what he wants: "To become a fisherman-owner". Not a predestined vocation, no one in his family is a sailor, "but as I have a port next to me, I thought, I will try, and I liked it," says Briochin.

Try and even invent. 

His invention called "The Reclaimer" was born on the occasion of a school trip, last March. "At the Iroise Marine Nature Park in Conquet, we participated in a workshop and we were asked to create a boat that pollutes less," says Léo. There were pollution control boats, my group preferred to work on a boat that does not pollute. "Every year, our students are asked to think about a boat of the future," said Lionel Le Person, his teacher of fishing and sustainable development. To project oneself in the twenty years that come since they are the future sailors of tomorrow.

Do not throw anything overboard

Leo started from a simple idea: do not throw anything overboard that pollutes the sea. In particular, this plastic waste, small pieces of nets shredded after fishing or left on the deck after a ramendage and cleared at sea. once the job is done. "All that goes overboard, so I thought about putting some sort of drilled caissons on the ports, on the outside of the hull." Collectors, therefore, that let the water pass but not the pieces of plastic that remain in the box. "In addition, there is no need to make stability calculations to install them, on rails to be able to put them on and take them off," notes the young inventor who also planned an inclined position "to allow water to evacuate or small fish in case of heavy weather on the boat".

A sustainable development prize

A simple and effective idea retained by his teacher of fishing and sustainable development, Lionel Le Person, who with high school Loti strongly supports the project. Which is timely because the Regional Fisheries Committee has just launched the Erasmousse program, modeled on Erasmus. In this context, students from the four Brittany maritime high schools will discuss sustainable development projects and present them to the European Fisheries Agency in Vigo (Spain) in January. The best will receive a prize which will then be presented to the European Parliament. At Pierre-Loti, "working groups were launched this week, with Leo's project in mind," says Prof. Fifteen students will work there, including second Nautical Maintenance to create a model.

For his part, Leo is already thinking of a prototype and even to file a patent for his green idea. "Green, not more responsible, the high school student. And compared to pollution control boats that are very expensive, it's worth it. And no one had thought of it before.

Full story courtesy of Le Télégramme