
Tuesday 27 August 2019

Busy Tuesday morning in Newlyn.

Breaking dawn found a Cornishman alongside the fish market this morning - waiting to land his trip of fish...

inside the market there's a good ix of beam trawl fish like these big blonde ray...

Dover soles, or tongues as they are known at this size...

and monk, this one being of such a size it was landed whole as opposed to the norm in the south west which is to land monk tails only...

summer always sees bigger hauls of witches, easily confused with megrim sole...

the unmistakable turbot...

with some of the netter fleet temporarily landing their fish exclusively to the markets at Plymouth and Brixham it remains for local boats like the Stelissa and...

 the Silver Dawn to supply Newlyn with top quality MSC Certified hake...

summer is a great time for big tub gurnards...

laid on top of each other makers it easier to distinguish blonde from spotted ray - but which is which?..

many of the smaller boats wing their ray, saving on limited fishroom space, saving ice and they sell the frames to the local crabbers...

Dover soles make changes to the colour of their topside skin dependant on the kind of seabed they frequent...

looks like that man Cod was in amongst the bass again...

while the beam trawler Sapphire II make a good landing of megrim, Dover sole and monk...

the inshore boat Millennia picked away at a few good John Dory hauls...

time to whisk those fish away...

especially the big hake...

yet more line caught bass from off the Lizard...

to go with several tons of mackerel now being caught all round the bays of west Cornwall...

stunning JD...

and red mullet don't come much fresher than these landed just hours ago......

the sardine boys have had a hard time trying to pick up good marks in amongst big shoals of scad in the bay of late...

from fridge...

to the quayside...

the ever-cheerful young James, skipper of the Cornishman  in his office...

is living the dream...

 countless seamen, fishermen and sailors have sat on watch making a monkey's fist at night...

with the scallop season in full swing there's a constant stream of visiting boats calling in to Newlyn to land...

scallops is not all they catch it seems...

these scallopers have sides especially modified...

 to hold and tip the contents of the dredges safely on to conveyor belts for sorting...

one of the Crystal Sea's  nets is ashore for checking...

the stern net pound of the Ocean Pride dwarfs that of the Stelissa...

Still Waters indeed this morning...

to set the Penlee Lifeboats off nicely against the backdrop of the new lifeboat house...

there's no shortage of road haulage available for the England's largest and south westernmost fishing port.