
Friday 14 June 2019

Prioritising changes in fisheries management after Brexit

Here's a great chance to contribute to helping the industry make the best possible case when lobbying the Government and in discussion with Defra and the MMO - get your thoughts, comments and ideas across by completing this short online questionnaire.

About the questionnaire

This questionnaire will contribute to better understanding which stocks/species the UK could prioritise in fisheries negotiations as an independent coastal state after the UK leaves the EU. We will be examining the distribution of UK fisheries and how that correlates with stocks, the issue of choke species and how much demand there is among UK fishermen for catching different species. Any individuals such as fishermen, fisheries managers and other members of fisherman’s organisations are encouraged to fill out this questionnaire, to help gather important and relevant insight. Summary results from the survey will be provided to relevant fisheries authorities (e.g. Defra, Marine Scotland) across the UK.

Result of this study

A summary report will be sent to Defra, Marine Scotland, Marine and Fisheries Wales and DAERA (Northern Ireland) and shared on the Fishing News Facebook page. It will also be available to other interested people on request. The results of the study will be used to provide recommendations for the future management of the fishing industry in the UK and inform debate around management after Brexit.


The survey does not ask any personal identification questions and your responses will be treated in confidence. All analysed data will be identified by a code. Details will be kept on a secure computer and can only be accessed through google drive by the immediate research team used in data analysis. The University of York always ensures strict confidentiality.

Taking part

This is a voluntary questionnaire and no person is obliged to answer the questions. You may withdraw from the questionnaire at any time, this will not be used if not sent back to us. Please attempt to complete all applicable questions, this shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes.

If you have any questions or concerns about the research, or the questionnaire, you are welcome to contact either myself or my supervisor directly and we will respond.

My details: Jordan Cohen,
Project supervisor: Dr Bryce Stewart,

Designed and funded by the University of York – May 2019