
Monday 17 June 2019

Monday morning market in Newlyn.

Mackerel maestro John Boy gleaned a few mackerel form the murky waters off St Ives to be the only source of these fine fish on the first market if the week...

top and bottom sides of the turbot couldn't be more different...

huddled round the boxes...

from Britannia V, the only netter to put hake ashore this morning....

while the Harvest Reaper using tangle rather than gill nets picked up good sized ray...

and plenty of big monk tails...

stretched across the market floor...

along with a range of shellfish...

including these two beauties...

other than that much of the first fridge was devoid of fish...

while in the next fridge red mullet...

and plaice were provided by the Cornishman...

the crabber Girl Pamela heads for the gaps...

every box tells a story...

at times like this...

over the years the stern net compounds of the netting fleet have grown bigger and bigger to make for a safe and comfortable working space for the crew over-ending the tiers of nets...

the Ocean Pride being the latest netter to undergo transformation...

courtesy of JT Fabrications...

while on smaller inshore trawlers like the Ocean Harvest working deck space remains tight...

while beam trawlers enjoy much more deck room when the trawls are in the water...

all set to land and send fish away to Plymouth...

the business end of the Northern Osprey...

good to see boats like the Spirited Lady III bucking the trend and having a young, local crew...

at the other end of the spectrum, Milford Mike now continuing to enjoy his role as the 'Father of the Port' along with his shore-side counterpart, Roger...

as he makes his way down the quay.