
Monday 24 June 2019

Misty Monday morning in Newlyn

Making the most of her extended range capabilities following a major refit, the tangle netter Ygraine landed an excellent shot of monk and turbot...

this should be young Jeremy's last year working the Nazarene once his new boat Galilee  has completed her refit...

off comes tubs of tangle net gear...

just in time for an early morning crew enlightenment session...

luckily, after a weekend of dull but fine weather the market was awash with inshore trawl fish...

with top quality fish a-plenty like these John Dory...

two very different plaice...

luscious lemon sole...

and some superb red mullet from the Imogen III...

more John Dory...

even more John Dory...

and, compared to 10 years ago, a rare blackfish...

hake were provided by the netter Stelissa...

while the beam trawler AA landed a good shot of brill, turbot and Dory...

luckily, many of the local boats are able to land fish that is suitable for use as bait by the growing fleet of crabbers...

caught around 120 miles SW of Newlyn by the Ygraine who also reported that they were still seeing plenty of crawfish in their nets - unheard of for over 30 years...

as per usual in the summer months, the beam trawlers AA  and Cornishman landed good shots of monk, megrim and other flats...

to  go with the Ygraine's monk...

every inshore boat landed a handful of bream, all of them Couch's...

soles, but which kind?..

now that the nights are drawing in it seems that another misty day is just par for the course...

time to start dispatching the morning's purchases...

Nichola of Ladram, the latest addition of the growing south west crabbing fleet...

now that the sailing season is in full swing Newlyn is once again bursting at the seams and pushed for berthing spaces - don't forget to join the harbour's Whatssap group to stay in touch, in addition there is a new visiting vessel form that you can download or complete on-line...

Nereus, that 'Old Man of the Sea' is back in Newlyn with her final landing of Cornish langoustine...

weeks away from the start of the Cornish  sardine season...

regular pontoon users will be glad to see the back of the temporary barriers surrounding the new lifeboat house - access all areas!

no doubt this cute little ball of fluffy feathers will be back next year fully fledged  and poised to dump on unsuspecting harbour uses from on high...

diary date - the not-to-be-missed annual Newlyn raft race is only weeks away - get your raft built now - all monies raised goes to help fund the amazing Newlyn harbour Christmas lights...

good to see Star Inn landlady Debs still does her bit to put a smile on the faces of passers-by.