
Friday 21 June 2019

Finally, a flaming June #FishyFriday for the longest day!

Signs of summer as the sardine boats begin to make ready for the start of the season...

and begin to sort deck machinery and nets...

along with removal of the weed beds that have developed since they stopped fishing in March...

another paint job nears completion...

Imogen III was just one of the ashore trawlers to put fish ashore...

though fellow skipper Nigel seemed to have fared better on the Dorys...

while the New Venture picked away on a few ray...

the only beam trawler to land struck gold with turbot...

and a few of those much coveted big tub gurnards...

while hake, that most voracious of fish...

was the only netter's contribution from the Ajax...

a trio of two fish tails...

but which fish are they?..

having bought the fish...

young Mr Smart can't get those tallies down fast enough...

not a ripple in the harbour...

to celebrate the summer solstice...

though down the quay there are still plenty of jobs to be done before the boat can go back to sea...

sailing into a flat calm bay...

 young Ben has the crabber Nimrod away...

leaving behind those boats between trips and undergoing repair...

the new Penlee lifeboat house is all but complete.