
Thursday 13 June 2019

Bara An Arvoriz launched in Guilvenec this week.

Event, this Tuesday at noon Rosmeur, with the launch of Bara An Arvoriz, seventeenth boat in the series. Commissioned by Bigouden Armament and built by Gléhen shipyard, it was welcomed by about thirty spectators.

"Well now, we'll see if it floats," laughs an employee of the Gléhen shipyard while the new Bara has just been christened with champagne. On this Tuesday morning, they are a small thirty spectators to have won the platform of the Port to attend the event. Seventeenth boat commissioned by Bigouden Armament at Gléhen shipyard Douarnenez, Bara An Arvoriz [seafood bread, Ed] is about to be launched under a gray sky. And to replace, at the same time, Bara' Mann, who leaves the fleet after thirty-one years of good and loyal service.

Boats from the Bara fleet are no strangers to Newlyn, here the Bara An Aod makes her way to the gaps in heavy weather.