
Monday 20 May 2019

Monday morning market in Newlyn.

Saturday morning saw Saturday Morning's host chef James Martin roll into town along with chef Galton Blackiston…

where they worked on a few takes in and out of PJ Tonkin's Fish Shop opposite the market...

Monday morning's market saw plenty of fish from all sectors of the fleet including MSC Certified hake from the Ajax...

squid and cuttles from the inshore trawlers...

red mullet...

John Dory...

undulate ray...

some pristine bass...

and a huge Mediterranean octopus...

two species of rays that both sport spots...

many of which are removed from the market by hand...

looks like Cap'n Cod has been busy over the weekend...

ray carcasses are bought and sold for crab bait by the ton...

full-on early morning sunshine this morning...

as the last of the boats to be sold attracted the remaining buyers...

the Srt Georges took advantage of high water to land her trip direct to the fish market...

"hand on heart the finest fish ever," says auctioneer Ian 

cracking reds from the big beamer...

along with plenty of megrim soles...

time to let the ends go...

harbour staff like Ben are happy in their work...

and he's not the only one...

while aboard the inshore trawler Ocean Harvest...

skipper Nigel is less than impressed as his crew pull off the trawl...

so that they can med the damage...

shaping up to be a cracking day...

a classic wooden sail boat.