
Monday 29 April 2019

On Monday morning's fish auction in Newlyn.

Market hall 1 was pretty much full with a trio of big hake hauls...

from the Amanda of Ladram

Silver Dawn...

 and  Stelissa...

and included this pair of 7+ kilo hake, prices were strong too...

the netters also picked up a few boxes of John Dory...

as did the visiting prawn trawler Vision...

specimen grey gurnard from the netter...

looks like the mackerel shoals are making themselves scarce after a weekend of shuffly weather...

it's not often the netters pick up big rays like these thornbacks...

looks like the cuttlefish season is finally over for the beam trawl fleet...

red mullet always make good money on the market in Newlyn...

Ed and the boys...

 land their trip of hake, monk and turbot...

while taking ice the Elisabeth Veronique looks like she has a new crew member...

cometh the hour, cometh the man...

young Shaun shares a few last minute words before joining Mark...

 aboard the boat for his first trip trawling in ten years...

a league of nations fish the North East Atlantic...

Charisma still landing...

as one of the harbours resident juvenile blackbacks takes to the air in search of scraps...

there's still work to do aboard the Belgian beam trawler, Storm Vogel...

looks like someone is getting a new engine...

the new Penlee lifeboat house is nearing completion...

gribble worms have voracious appetites and now that there are precious few wooden hulls in the harbour to invade the wooden fenders make for a fine feast it would seem...

someone might be able to identify this recently hauled form the depths...

Newlyn's eclectic eateries have further been enhanced by the addition of The Sound Pantry supplying customers on Portuguese-style fayre...

a misty-morn with the sun struggling to break through the heavily clouded skies of Mounts Bay this morning.