
Monday 1 April 2019

Rare Cornish salmon landed on Newlyn fish market.

With so much fish passing through the fish auction last week and a full market this morning... ...

 many merchants haven't had the chance to return the harbour boxes...

so consequently some of the boats have had to use their own boxes for their fish to be auctioned in this morning...

this time of year is always good for big ray landings...

and big ray...

there were even some incredibly rare Cornish salmon, not seen on the market in Newlyn for years...

Butts would have loved to have caught a few of those on his hooks...

he and other boats were able to catch ling...

and pollack...

the cuttle season is all but over it seems...

so boats like the Twilight III went looking for Dover soles...

also picking up a good haul of red mullet...

enough to put  a smile on the buyers' faces...

the sum total of the Twilight's cuttle cephalopod haul...

both beam trawlers and trawlers like to target flatfish like these plaice...

or megrim or witches, but which is the megrim and which is the witch...

and which is the sand sole and which is the Dover sole...

good shot of lemons from Nigel's Ocean Harvest...

another rare fish, the variegated cuttlefish, or to give it its correct scientific name maximus pistakus...

all four market chill rooms were full of fish...

right through and including the grader section...

along with a mackerel fridge full of St Ives Bay mackerel from, the St Ives men...

there were also big shots of pissers this morning...

and bot hard and soft roes...

cracking red gurnards...

and a whole tub of spider crab...

Brackan picked up a few good John Dory in his trip...

with the clocks having gone forward this morning was dull, dark and dismal outside...

where the newly completed loading bay waits for its next customer...

all quiet down the Mary Williams pier...

and pontoons this morning...

work still continues apace on the Galilee...

while she undergoes DoT work the trawl from the Billy Rowney is being kept under wraps so that it doesn't get wet...

the Spirited Lady III rests outside the boat she wants to be like when she grows up...

the ex-French langoustine trawler now named Northern Osprey.