
Monday 11 March 2019

Monday morning fish auction in Newlyn.

Auctioneers' Ian and Ryan both in full flow on the market this morning with fish from all sectors of the fleet...

like these big white fish roe from the netter Karen of Ladram...


John Dory...

and red mullet from the beam trawlers...

caught on video by Paul from Fish for Thought...

most of the big white fish like these blackjacks...

and hake came from the netter...

fish make their way out to the waiting transport...

name this large flatfish...

and the fish which sports a single dark lateral stripe...

there were a few good-sized tun gurnards from the Karen...

mini whole monkfish landed are now landed under the new Landing Obligation rules that require all quota species to be landed whatever their size...

looks set to be another cold but dry day after a very wet and windy weekend which saw...

several of the netters decide to hold off sailing until today...

and blew many of the beam trawl fleet back to port early...

so supplies of flats like these plaice...

and Dover soles...


and mackerel were in short supply this morning...

twenty four hours ahead of the Brexit vote and there's a TV crew on hand...

to get opinion from fishermen and fish merchants like Godfrey Adams for Trelawney Fish...

about the kind of deal they want to see sealed...

or will the deal be put to the vote again...

or will it sink without trace...

work erecting the scaffolding over the fire-ravaged Fishermen's Arms, one of Newlyn's historic pubs...

is now nearing completion...

breakfast hunting...

and scavenging by the local gull population continues.