
Wednesday 6 March 2019

Fish exporters urged to register now to use new digital exports services

Fish exporters urged to register now to use new digital exports services
A new digital catch certificate service has been launched as part of contingency planning for fish exporters in a no-deal Brexit.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

Businesses wanting to export fish to the EU after 29 March 2019 should sign up to the new digital services to make sure they are able to continue trading fish with the EU in the event of no deal.

Leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s top priority. This has not changed. However, should the UK leave the EU without a deal, UK exporters will be required to obtain a validated catch certificate for most fish and fish products exported to the EU (excluding some aquaculture products, freshwater fish, some molluscs, fish fry or larvae).

Catch certificates prove that fish has been caught in line with established conservation and management measures. All non-EU countries are required to present catch certificates when trading with the EU.

To be ready for leaving the EU, fish exporters should familiarise themselves with the new services to generate the necessary export documentation, including:

  • catch certificates
  • processing statement
  • storage document
  • prior notification form
  • pre-landing declaration

To access the service you’ll need to sign in or create a new Government Gateway user ID. Make a note of your Government Gateway user ID and password so you can sign in next time. You’ll then need to create a business Defra account using your business contact details. You’ll only need to register once.

To register, visit the guidance page on creating a UK catch certificate.

Registering early gives exporters time to test the new service before the UK leaves the EU. Any sample documents created before 29 March 2019 will not be valid for export.

To check what documents you need to export fish to the EU if there’s no Brexit deal, visit the guidance page on exporting and importing fish if there’s no Brexit deal.

What you need

To create a processing statement, you’ll need:
  • a Government Gateway user ID and password
  • the company name and address of the exporter
  • to say what is in the consignment (and include the EU tariff commodity codes)
  • a health certificate number for the export
  • the species, catch certificate number and total weight from each catch being used in the consignment
  • the before and after processing weights of the export
  • the name, address and plant approval number of the processing plant used (and the name of the person responsible for the consignment)

Before you start
You need to get an export health certificate (EHC) for your export.
Check the EU tariff commodity codes of your fishery products in the trade tariff.
If you haven’t already, create Government Gateway sign in details for the business or organisation you represent.
Defra service registrations need you to provide some extra details about yourself and the business (for example, the Companies House registration number).
Registration should take around 5 minutes.


Published 5 March 2019