
Friday 15 February 2019

It's a sunny #FishyFriday here in Newlyn - perfect day for slapping on some paint.

Newlyn's incredibly diverse landings are on show this #FishyFriday,  these mussels are just one of 48 different species of fish on the market for auction this morning...

2 - monk cheeks...

3 - haddock...

4 - Dover sole...

5 - megrim sole...

6 - mackerel...

7 - large roe...

8 - spider crab legs...

9 - herring...

10 - scallops...

11 - John Dory...

12 - brill...

12a - turbot...

sepia from a few boxes of cuttlefish is not the only black on the market...

14 - black bream...

15 - spotted smoothounds, known as 'pissers' locally as they smell of urine due to the ammonia smell they give off... 

16 - ling...

17 - hake...

18 - whiting...

20 - tub gurnards...

21 - pollack...

22 - pouting...

23 - tope...

24 - brown crab claws...

25 - cod...

26 - lemon sole...

27 - lesser spotted dogfish, or morki (from the Cornish, sea dog) pronounced 'mergy'...

28 - cuckoo ray...

29 - octopus...

30 - cuttlefish...

31 - red mullet...

32 - squid...

33 - star ray...

34 - monk tails...

35 - small-eyed ray...

36 - spotted ray - larger spots that do not appear at the edge of the fish unlike...

37 - blonde rays that do have spots right to the edge of their wings...

38 - plaice...

39 - owl ray...

40 - witch...

41 - sand sole...

42 - bass...

celebrating the the joy of fishing...

43 - baby thornback ray...

perfect example of the spotted ray...

44 - sand ray...

45 - red gurnard, 46 - streaked gurnard, 47 - grey gurnard...

48 - smoothhound next to his spotted cousin - missing, but often landed the market, were coley, lobster, crawfish, sardines, greater weaver, scad, dab and grey mullet...

there were a few boxes of small fish landed under the new Landing Obligation rules that came into force on January 1st this year...

every morning these little chaps come for a feed in front of the blue harbour staffroom door - turnstones fly in from the far north of Canada every year though it seems their stays here are getting longer and longer!..

it's not only divers fish, Newlyn plays hosts to all kinds of creative events, Transition 2019 starts at the Exchange Gallery in Penzance this month...

as does four weeks Four Weeks of work at the Newlyn Gallery...

or you could learn to play the guitar under the tutelage of Karl Svare...

and make sure you catch the mobile post office van on Tuesdays and Thursdays...

sun's up over the harbour...

which is almost devoid of  the fleet most of whom are at sea...

just a heavy dew decorates the pier...

though it will soon be burnt off as the sun rises...

the Falmouth registered scalloper, Debbie-V is up on the slip...

as work on the Fisherman's rest gets underway to restore it for community use...

as does work on the new lifeboat house...

over in Penzance the Dartmouth crabber's refit is coming along...

with her new pot hauling gear now fitted.