
Thursday 28 February 2019

Horizons: fishermen respond to young people

The National Fisheries Committee (CNPM) launches on Wednesday, February 27th the Skylines Campaign, an atypical site so that young people, even those far from the coast, discover fishing. And some people say, "Why not me? "

Original and artistic, this program breaks down into three series of short documentaries:

Port to starboard

About fifteen young people from 10 to 17 years old, and some parents, evoke what the fishing inspires them and question the fishermen. For many, the sea is watersports. And fishing, a job not very cool, difficult and dangerous, but noble. 

No, say the fishermen, they are not at all "deplorable living conditions"They talk about anticipation, team spirit, passion, a beautiful living environment, another world, comfort, security, good wages, nature, free time ..." There are never two days the same...There are beautiful things to see at sea... "Difficult? "Yes, but what job is not? " say the fishermen.

In the beginning

Anna, Lyonnaise, 12 years old, discovers fishing during a tide, on the inshore gillnetter Kendalc'h II at Plouguerneau. "Hat!  She exclaims, admiringly, after seeing the other side of the picture. In three sequences - before, during and after - the directors focus on his impressions and those of his family.

Masters on board

Six testimonials from young people in training or who have integrated fishing: sailor, mechanic, fisherman boss. They deliver their courses and their daily life with a great enthusiasm, enjoying the atmosphere on board, the big family side, the work dynamic, adventure. One can only be impressed by the responsibilities that some take, very young, like Marie, 23, in Cap Breton, who has just bought her own boat. Invigorating and able to arouse a true vocation.


The site finally includes information and tools open access for young people seeking guidance or those accompanying them: training, flyer, poster, videos.  This program carried out by Catalpa agency at the initiative of the CNPM is supported by the Directorate of Maritime Fisheries, the Directorate of Maritime Affairs and France fishing sector.

Written by Solène LE ROUX - translated by Google from the original story in Le Marin.