
Thursday 28 February 2019

All presentations from the #DiscardLess2019 science-policy conference January are now online! Check them at


Session I: Landing Obligation: where are we now, what has changed, and what are the main barriers? (13:00 - 15:10)

Session lead: Mike Fitzpatrick (Ireland) and Kåre Nolde Nielsen (Norway)
12:30 - Registration
13:00 - Opening and welcomeAnders Overgaard Bjarklev, President of DTU and Clara Ulrich, DiscardLess coordinator
13:20 - FAO assessment of global fisheries discardsAmparo PerezRoda (FAO)
13:30 - Looking back: stories of EU regions between 2015 and 2018Mike Fitzpatrick (Ireland), Kåre Nolde Nielsen (Norway)
13:40 - Can a discard ban be good for fishers? Modelling expected economic impactsAyoe Hoff (Denmark)
13:50 - Legitimate or not legitimate policy? the opinion of EU fishersKatia Frangoudes (France)
14:00 - TAC management and choke effects in IrelandJulia Calderwood (Ireland)
14:10 - Table Discussion
15:10 - Coffee (1/2h)

Session II: Selectivity and Avoidance (15:40 - 18:00)

Session lead: Dave Reid (Ireland) and Barry O’Neill (Denmark)
15:40 - Start of session
15:40 - The Discard Mitigation Toolbox: DiscardLess results onlineJérôme Guitton (France)
15:50 - Review of déjà vu selective gearsBarry O’ Neill (Denmark)
16:00 - Bright ideas – shining a light on selectivityDan Watson (UK)
16:10 - Overcoming economic barriers to selective gear uptakeAna Witteveen (UK)
16:20 - Questions on selectivity talks
16:25 - Try it by yourself: Challenges experiments to avoid discardsDave Reid (Ireland)
16:35 - Maps and AppsToni Quetglas (Spain)
16:45 - Is it possible to avoid deep sea sharks in the Azores?Laurence Fauconnet (Portugal)
16:55 - Next steps (Panel debate / discussion)
18:00 - Wrap-up and close for the day
18:30 : Reception at DTU 202 Biosphere with meal, drinks and exhibits
21:00 - 21:30 - Busses to the city centre



Session III: What to do with unavoidable unwanted catches? (9:30 - 11:30)

Session lead: Erling P. Larsen (Denmark) and Jónas R. Viðarsson (Iceland)
09:30 - Start of session. Coffee at disposal from 09:00
09:30 - How do Iceland manage to use 85% of a cod?Jónas R. Viðarsson (Iceland)
09:40 - Where to invest best? Catalogue of uses and prioritisationBruno Iñarra (Spain)
09:50 - We are ready for discards… if they comePeter Nymann (Denmark)
10:00 - Small landings in small harboursGeorge Triantaphyllidis (Greece)
10:10 - Transforming unwanted catches in responsible animal feed solutionGeert Bruggeman (Belgium)
10:20 - An automatic system for by-catches quantification and classificationBruno Iñarra (Spain)
10:30 - Handling unwanted catches onboardBirgir Sævarsson (Iceland)
10:40 - Next steps (Panel debate / discussion)
11:30 - Coffee + light lunch (1h)

Session IV: Ecological effects of discarding (12:30 - 13:45)

Session lead: Marie Savina-Rolland (France) and Telmo Morato (Portugal)
12:30 - Start of session
12:30 - Discard data, MSY and stock assessment: Lisa Borges (Portugal)
12:40 - Measuring and improving the survival of discardsTom Catchpole (UK)
12:50 - But who eat them? A story of hagfish and crabsDave Reid (Ireland)
13:00 - Can a discard ban have an effect on the food-web?Marie Savina-Rolland (France)
13:15 - The dark side of the selectivity paradigmFisheries-Induced Evolution: Richard Law (UK)
13:25 - Next steps (Discussion)
13:45 - End of session

Session V: Future perspectives for the Landing Obligation (13:45 - 15:30)

Session lead: Lisa Borges (Portugal) and Clara Ulrich (Denmark)
13:45 - Start of session
13:45 - CAM-pliance: Keeping an eye on discards with Electronic MonitoringKristian Schreiber Plet-Hansen (Denmark)
13:55 - Visit and speechEva Kjer Hansen, Danish Minister for Fisheries and Equal Opportunities and Minister for Nordic Cooperation
14:10 - What DNA can do for you! Genetic methods and the Landing ObligationBrian Klitgaard Hansen (Denmark)
14:20 - Yes Chile can! Discards reduction and monitoring in mixed-fisheriesLuis Cocas (Chile)
14:30 - Next steps for the Landing Obligation and looking towards the next CFP reform (Discussion)
15:30 - Conference Closing