
Wednesday 13 February 2019

After the gales, the first flourish of fish on Newlyn fish market this morning.

The eyes have it...

as hundreds of kilos of hake from the netter Britannia V wait to be distributed...

along with shots of mainly pollack from the inshore netters Lamorna...

and Girl Pamela...

and a sure sign that Spring is on the way as more and more of the bigger whitefish landed give up their roes...

along with landings of ling...

and a few additional fish like John Dory, tails...

and whole monk...

to go with the hake...

while in the middle fridge...

boxes stacked six or seven high...

of mackerel from the local handline fleets...

their trips also including a few kilos of herring...

newly installed, the very first mackerel grading machine in the South West some forty years after mackerel fishing became a major feature of the Cornish industry...

the machine simply flips off mackerel according to weight into waiting boxes thereby guaranteeing the grading quality of the fish they buy - progress indeed.