
Friday 11 January 2019

Thursday night #FishyFriday morning.

Even the bigger boats in the fleet, like the Twilight III, that arrive at high water often take the opportunity to land direct to the fish market...

IRB Ivor & Mollie Dent crew disembark after their second shout of the day...

a 'mackerel gurdy', used by many of the smallest boats in the fleet which enables them to catch a surprisingly wide variety of species...

WIP or Under Constriction, work on the new lifeboat surges ahead...

the harbour is now home to three rowing gigs...

calm enough this evening...

the lifeboat has sports a weight-saving wooden construction...

high water also allows the smaller netters to access their net store direct to take on and off gear...

and so into #FishyFriday morning...

just one of a handful of sharks on the market this morning...

probably more popular with those of a certain age, hard roe fried gently in butter on toast or smoked and turned into taramasalata, delicious either way...

a big haul of scallops for a beam trawler...

line caught pollack should make good money...

plenty of mackerel about again but the run is very small...

there's there's a good chance that these two fish represent an entire morning's fishing for a certain dedicated handliner working from Newlyn...

when what he was searching for are fish like this...

they come in pairs...

the price of hake continues to rise as it begins to feature on more and more menus across the country - a great result for the boats who are members of the MSC Certified Cornish Hake fishery...

perfect dinner-plate sized turbot...

the unmistakable silvery skin of the 'king of fish' as Floyd deemed the mighty bass...

another good shot of ray for the inshore trawler...

Mousehole fish man Colin, hanging on every bid and poised ready to strike, like a king cobra...

these boots...

a cracking brace of red mullet...

quality and quantity of flats from the inshore trawler Elisabeth Veronique....

name the fish to which this tail belongs to...

monk tails...

more monk tails...

there's only one...

there's two side to every Dover sole...

top tally...

a good run of plaice from the Twilight III...

at this time of year these little chaps are hard to come by in any quantity...

there's enough ray wing cuts to keep Ben's Tolcarne Inn busy all week...

the eyes have it, the eyes have it...

dawn breaks...

one of the few withy pot makers left practising his art, Dick Ede with the first crop of willow reed cut this year from the Somerset flats ready for the season...

as a bevvy of Dutch visitors gets the benefit of John Thomas' fishing knowledge on the history of fishing for dogfish from Newlyn...

he ought to know as he held the port record for many years at £37,500 with his boat Boy Gary seen here alongside the quay with the crew still picking out dogs from the nets at midnight...

Capn' Cod and Plugger ponder the state of the fishing nation over breakfast in the Harbour Cafe...

which is looking distinctly cheerful this morning owing to a huge bunch of early season daffodils...

down the quay, the Galilee is benefiting from a foremast with some rather fetching curves...

as the sun tries its best to peer between the sea and the cloud cover...

there seems to be an increasing number of Cornish flags sporting the Union Jack in the harbour...

ever watchful Tom...

and a lonely gull on patrol off the gaps.