
Monday 14 January 2019

Sunday in to Monday morning's fish auction in Newlyn.

With another new crabber about to enter the fleet the Rowse boys are busy building another string of pots ready to be deployed off Lands end...

while work continues on the aluminium superstructure of the next potter/netter to join the fleet...

all five of these boats are either under construction or have joined the fleet in the last 12 months...

unskilled?! just how much skill do you need to handle the complexity of fishing gear - and this boat is under 10m...

probably the smallest boat to go up on the slip this year...

both beam trawls hang in the air so that the crew can repair any damage to the chain link mat and the net...

more than a day's work ahead...

new harbour fenders will  make getting ashore and aboard much easier...

and so into Monday morning, Maverick has both legs out ready for some underwater work on her hull...

while inside the market there's plenty of hake from boats like...

the netter, Ajax...

and ray from the netter Annie May...

while some big tub gurnards...


and cod make up the rest of the net boat landings...

the beam trawlers are seeing more and more plaice full of hard row...

along with a handful of John Dory...

to go with the monk tails...

and Dover sole...


and megrims making up the best part of every beam trawler's trip when working the clean grounds...

this perfectly marked undulate ray is easily distinguished...

from its spotted cousin...

name the fish...

that auctioneer Ryan is now selling...

before he gets to the big landings of mackerel from the St Ives handliners...

very similar in appearance to the megrim sole but which fish is this?..

a shout out to all members of the Newlyn Fishermen's Forum that there is a meeting this Friday in the Seafood Cornwall Training room.